Binding a DataGrid to a XML file in ASP.Net using C# - Demo *********************************************************** A fully working example which demonstrates binding a DataGrid control to data in a XML file. List of files in the demo ************************* 1.ReadMe.txt -- The file you are reading which helps you to install the demo. 2.BindingDataGridToXML.aspx -- The ASP.Net file which contains the code for binding DataGrid control to a XML file. 3.Products1.xml -- The file which contains sample XML data. How to Install? *************** 1) Copy the BindingDataGridToXML.aspx file to any virtual directory in your web server. 2) Copy the Products1.xml to the same directory as that of BindingDataGridToXML.aspx. How to run the demo? ******************** 1.Call the file by typing http://yourservername/virutaldirectoryname/BindingDataGridToXML.aspx in the address bar of your browser window. Requirements ************ Any web server which supports ASP.Net and allows write access to your virtual directory . Contact ******* Please feel free to contact the author Sriram at for your valuable comments or suggestions. For more such examples visit our web site